Table Of Contents

Getting Started

Change Log


Setup & Configuration

Technical Information

Code Editing




<aside> 💡 General Knowledge for editing ASP.NET MVC code, you can always refer to the URL to know which file you should edit. For example, if the URL format is, to edit the interface/front end/html code of the page, you can open /**Views**/Account/Login.cshtml and proceed to edit the page. To edit backend or functioning part, you can open /**Controllers**/AccountController.cs and edit the controller.


Edit Footer

You can do the following to edit the footer:

  1. Open this file: /Views/Shared/_FooterBeforeLogin.cshtml with Visual Studio
  2. Edit the html code according to your need

Change Favicon (Browser Icon)

Please do the following:

  1. Prepare your logo in .ico format (You can convert your image to ico format on this website:

  2. Rename your file to favicon.ico and replace the existing favicon.ico file in the project


    Edit Meta Tag

    Please do the following:

    1. Open /Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml, edit the meta tags value within the <head>
    2. Open /Views/Shared/_LayoutAfterLogin.cshtml , edit the meta tags value within the <head>

    <aside> 💡 For other code editing information, please read FAQ > Editing the Code section
